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    HOLY FUCKING SHIT.  This is just so fucking angering I can't think straight right now.  "Fight the insurgency!"  They cry…
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  • Actively supporting this?  How about sitting as the Chairperson.  He's going to be organizing an attack on us.  Don't you…
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  • good god.  funny because it's true.  the horror.
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  • Article 25.       (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and…
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  • but every once in awhile, they take a shit in the middle of the kitchen!
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  • Sort of related in it's craziness...  Do you remember how it was actual law that a man could divorce his…
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  • oooh, i forgot all about that.  with my direct deposit, i get paid on tuesdays instead of the rest of…
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  • A very good [and very long] article on Living Wage and a case study of Santa Fe [min wage of…
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  • Tuesday never really had a feel for me until about a year ago when I started to go to the…
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  • You're calling yourself names, don't forget that.  You're just trolling now.
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  • ditto!
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  • No, you doofus, I'm only quoting you, you doofus.
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  • Hey, I'm only agreeing with you that you're a sellout.  I didn't bring it up, you did.
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  • You're an admitted sellout and that's the only admirable thing I can see from you in this thread.
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  • If Casey continues to pander Right and take the moderate/liberals in PA for granted, they're going to turn their backs…
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  • It's this whole "as they should" attitude that is turning people away from the Democratic party now.  People staying home…
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  • They are delighted to showcase in the conservative parts of the state.  Casey is frightened to shocase in the liberal…
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  • Riiiiight, blame the people who voted for Nader in 2000 instead of Gore for running a SHITTY EXCUSE FOR A…
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  • That's better than a 90% failure rate!
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  • "I can't say this isn't going to happen again, because we really haven't gotten a grasp" of the cost of…
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