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    Not really, it is one of their new memes. Obama has earned pension rights as a state senator. That pension…
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  • The family has a real sad:
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  • Definitely a plant.
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  • It is a thing of beauty!
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  • So far, it is a thing of beauty.
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  • I guess you meant to hand out a donut, Jim. But proof of illiteracy is also fun to watch.
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  • Hey, are you up this late to watch the debate?
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  • Sorry Oui. If we are talking about credibility, then Jennifer Rubin has none - whatsoever! We will probably never know…
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  • It seems that the jury is still out on this issue. From NYT yesterday: Election-Year Stakes Overshadow Nuances of Libya…
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  • It is = It's
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  • This was taken September 6, so it was probably no more than about 60 deg in the water. The kids…
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  • Wonderful! Were they inspired by these tribes?
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  • They may look that way, but are surprisingly resilient. There was a fifth trunk in that cluster that I cut…
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  • Yes, I saw some of your posts about being for an extended period in Sweden. If you have the opportunity,…
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  • Yes, the two top ones were taken close to a lake about a mile inland from the cabin. The bottom…
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  • Sam, no one here really cares what you have to say. You are nothing more than a minor annoyance. Kind…
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  • Still life Still death Still upright
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  • The award was no surprise, but way too late. Big yawn from this Norwegian.
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  • You're actually funny now, Sam. Ryan looked like a little boy taken to school. He had nothing but BS.
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  • Spammy nonsense like this comment should normally get a donut. But I'll leave a 2 so that your delusions remain…
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