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    Here's a bit from the Guardian: Soldiers opened fire on up to 4,000 protesters in eastern Uzbekistan today and killed…
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  • Here they are, demonstrating their love:
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  • The guy left of Schroeder looks like Nikita Kruschev to me.
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  • I saw your first diary from yesterday and now this one.  Great stuff, you're on a roll. Make no mistake…
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  • I checked a few minutes ago "Who has recommended", and discovered I was missing on the list.  Remedied already! BTW;…
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  • Sirocco has the link above, but here it is again. There were 10 stories, the diary ended with 4 volunteers;…
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  • Another fabulous contribution on your part. As chocolate ink stated above, it is difficult to add anything. Anyway, I am…
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  • Kos had a story (warning; 200+ comments) yesterday on the pay scale for US soldiers, ranging from about $13,000 for…
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  • I found this in a paper in Norway. If you look at the clothing and blood splatters, it is clear…
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  • Again, we ask, What Liberal Media?
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  • Hi Othniel, Actually, I have never posted at Americablog, but check in a couple of times a day.  I'm 'ask'…
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  • Thanks. I'm pretty new to this myself. By the way, one of our users wrote a primer on HTML not…
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  • I'd love to read this diary, but it almost 2 screens wide. Mole, can you please fix your links to…
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  • Only two Norwegians on this board (AFAIK). And there they are, on Susan's list. Who should we shame into action...…
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  • Has opened. This is quite a story, and may explain the House of Saud's influence over US politics.  News to…
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  • Year of practise.  Many years.
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  • I'll be willing to work on the Somalia-story. As I may be even more of a procrastinator than Sirocco, it…
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  • I can wholeheartedly recommend to any war/history buff look up more on Shetlands Larsen. As a kid, I recall reading…
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  • I think you started an open thread whith that question. I hadn't heard of him before, either.
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  • A great reminder to us all! I had to pause when I saw #2.  Didn't realize that US defense expenditure…
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