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  • Looking back at the article, it suggests that the group was hand-picked.  They probably thought they could get away with…
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  • For the gems in those quotes.  I am a temporary (though long-term) transplant in these parts and language like this…
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  • OK. It's probably a good idea to let people know that you deleted (comments lost) and re-posted, or made an…
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  • Taking cyninism to a new level, though I tend to agree.  There seems to be no limit to these people's…
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  • and I'm pretty sure it was by you.  The angle was different, with your LTE and the editor's note.  I…
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  • I found this bit curious: "I told him I was very disappointed that he would sign something like that," she…
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  • I had missed it at kos. A great presentation, thanks for the thorough analysis - you taught me a lot.
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  • I had read your diary way back then, but probably before most of the comments were posted.  You got a…
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  • The intellectual elite who become so "seemingly" enamoured by their own intellectual prowess that they simply cannot be wrong thus…
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  • I am fortunate here in Iraq, in that we can deal with those here who cannot be reasoned with. Wow,…
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  • Oui, what a story!  Only one read so far, and have not clicked all the links yet - but the…
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  • Thank you for a great story.  Can you share with us where it took place? The bustle and diversity makes…
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  • re-reading this diary.  A great introduction to the history of the DRC. The pressure is on now.  Hope you find…
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  • There appears to be an increase in xenophobia in Europe and other rich nations.  Recall Pim Fortuyn of the Netherlands…
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  • on this 'delicate' issue.  But it is not delicate anymore - it is obvious.  Pure distraction. Here's what I said…
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  • Sorry folks, just go ahead - troll-rate me for bringing profanity to the board: Fuck you David!  What a sorry,…
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  • I have never communicated with Booman via e-mail or any other fashion, but this board.  All my opinions have been…
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  • Is right here in front of me. I have two kids; girl (15), boy (10).  They don't live with me,…
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  • I really admire your patience, Booman. Regardless of David's passionate beliefs and opinions, worthy of discussion if properly presented -…
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