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    Oui and shergald have entries on the topic - currently on the rec list.
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  • Also worth considering: Israel's attack tests NATO Doctrine Israel's attack on the MV Blue Mamara, a Turkish vessel, means they…
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  • A resounding yes to all your suggested actions, Frank! 1. A UN (not an Israeli) sponsored investigation into the precise…
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  • Israel again makes clear to the world that it is a rogue state with no consideration to international law. The…
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  • Our gracious host demonstrated to us last night that this is true: In the kingdom of good taste, Lyon's cuisine…
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  • curly came to Geneva on Wednesday. Taking off work today; we're driving to Lyon for the weekend. Meeting Melanchthon there…
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  • The recent diaries list is in dire need of a clean-up. Lots of crap/spam diaries the last several days.
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  • I think you are underestimating the impact of the BP oil spill disaster... I don' think you have any basis…
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  • I agree that the administration's handling of the BP disaster has been too timid. That may be changing, however: EPA…
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  • I think a lot of Democrats, like myself, are sorry they chose the timid corporatist Obama over Hillary in 2008.…
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  • Good morning! Skies are finally clearing up here in Geneva. Sad program this afternoon - the ex-girlfriend of a long-time…
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  • Oy - it doesn't hurt, but I am slow as syrup today. Great fun last night, though.
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  • Good morning/afternoon! Today is 17. mai - Norway's Constitution Day. Getting together with a bunch of compatriots after work to…
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  • Huh - Eyjafjallajökull - not hard at all - if you're of Nordic background 😉
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  • Recovering oil from the leaking pipe: Another Snag Hits As Oil Plumes Form Underwater BP officials say they were on…
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  • ...the free use of toxic dispersants... From a NYT article a few days ago: BP PLC continues to stockpile and…
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  • I guess I should have mentioned that it was for field developments in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea...
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  • Thanks for the Salon-link towards the end of your story. Before moving to NY, I worked 4 years in the…
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  • All this while Israel itself has become an apartheid state...
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  • You and BP together - where is the BOP (Blow Out Preventer) when you need one?
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