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    Yes, I agree that this is the one of the rightwing techniques. One as old as time too. Divide and…
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  • Exactly!!!!!!  If I had not posted (and I came very close to not doing so) I would not have had…
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  • Yes, I agree that the focus on single issue politics as a "problem" is wrong. For the sake of argument,…
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  • well the fiasco went completely by me, ive missed it all. i have found (what I assume) is the post…
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  • I understand exactly what you mean... It took me dozens of hours to come up with mine!!!!  
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  • I thought I was up later than you tonight but I wasn't!  goodnight!!!
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  • I love community center! It's a great place to stop in late-night for some B&J's cherry garcia, after posting one's…
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  • Before last week I hardly said anything at all, online. Now I'm not sure they'll ever be able to shut…
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  • This is my first diary. I would like to thank Artemisia, for helping me with it. She helped me edit…
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  • QQ oh look, now I'm talking to myself!  When I mentioned rating this diary up I should have been clearer.…
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  • I woke up this morning with a link to the referenced diary published at Kos. I had a single word…
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  • Hi, In your post you refer to monitoring DKos. I'm doing that. In fact I posted a complaint the other…
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  • heh.. ive been found out i see!  and yes. ive been enjoying myself and learning a lot!  and now im…
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  • WasMFP. but not no more!   so i hear you catnip.  just think!  no more un-named front pager zero-rating me…
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  • Hi! I think there's been a rush on this week of refugees from that other place you mention in your…
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  • Artemisia, Your post at that "other place" this past Wednesday, titled Sexism in our midst was absolutely fantastic. And then…
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  • Welcome!!!! I read a diary you wrote which was posted on another site earlier this week, on Wednesday. It was…
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  • Yep, you grew up just up the coast from me a bit. I'm on the other side of the San…
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  • hey there! I've got two on my plate now, Sor Juana by Octavio Paz and The Gay Place by Billy…
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  • Yeah, the one you label: ...And most egregious: "The Democratic party needs about... (1.20 / 5) 50% of men and…
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