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    that most people have employer-provided health insurance that is working fairly well for them Most? Where is this fantasy land?
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  • It's amazing to watch you progress, that's a beaut.
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  • Thanks guys, it's just the way it goes sometimes. First the disposal, then the a.c. which was still under warranty:)…
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  • Nice flog everyone. Sorry I had to bail, the dishwasher blew all over the kitchen, so we spent the weekend…
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  • Thanks, no, I meant the quote^(above) "Only limitations are in yourself". This one is purely creative, with the phrase in…
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  • What a great page, we enjoyed it with coffee this A.M. Thanks!
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  • Hello everyone! Hope this finds you well. We've been slammed around here with one thing or another for the past…
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  • It's the Grover Norquist "drown the gov. in the bathtub" school. However "Shoot the hostage or I'll shoot the hostage…
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  • Glad to see you stop by. Nice bi-color shot. This is one of my favorite times of day to go…
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  • We don't see them 'round these parts. Nice shot.
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  • That's beautiful!
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  • I'm amazed at what phone cameras can produce these days. Nice shot.
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  • Thanks, I was kinda saving him for a set but it seemed appropriate. We were at the spring and someone…
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  • Nice set! Roma - Castel Sant'Angelo  ðŸ™‚
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  • You really got some great shots out west this year.
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  • The Flog is up! Give us what you got.
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  • Mark and the Schecter Dream Machine... Dire Straits
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  • Hey everyone. Finally getting some time off. Transcribing some guitar tablature that will work for someone with limited dexterity. 🙂
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  • Just imagine, for a minute, Al or Jesse or Barack talkin' about the white crime rate.
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  • Nail, head, BOOM. The surveillance state people vs. the rest of us. No third side. Thanks AG, you get it.
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