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    ■ Columnists and commentators. There are perhaps a dozen well known columnists and broadcast commentators whose relationships with the CIA…
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  • Indeed.
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  • Doesn't really undermine my point, at all.
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  • Maybe true, but that's not what I asked.
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  • If only. That's part of the problem.  
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  • whatever. I use strident for both genders.  
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  • the word has not been rendered useless, for me, at least.
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  • Give me a break, Marie. I don't have a problem with strident attacks on Wall Street as long as they…
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  • IMO, the Saudis are trying to do two things simultaneously. they are keeping the heat on Iran so they will…
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  • It has also been nurtured by the Saudis who funded these schools. The word Talib means student. The schools churned…
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  • I just fixed the code so comments can post the new YouTube code.  Have fun.  
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  • We all root for whomever is playing the Cowboys.  
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  • I think this should be true but, for some reason, is not.  
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  • Are you afraid to speculate?
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  • Exactly.
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  • why was Dean big news? He endorsed her more than a year ago.
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  • Do you have any indication that Lanny Davis feels even the slightest need to rehabilitate himself?  
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  • Dana Milbank is feeling downright nasty.
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