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    Well, we are of two minds about this here, and maybe there's a way to respond to what this idiots…
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  • Everything about this speech and Gore's behavior tells me that he was taking pains to emphasize that this was not…
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  • My guys did their part, looks like the Seahawks are going to Detroit, too. Before the partisanship gets too heavy…
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  • Well, I wish the Seahawks well in the second most important game of the day.  But you relative newcomers have…
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  • The intent of this thread is a good one, as is the substance; there has to be some sense of…
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  • Before I moved to (far northern) California, a friend who lived in LA summed up the (southern) California sensibility as…
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  •  My Captain Future mantra is that hope in not a quality of the future, it is a committment in the…
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  • Thanks for answering the question in my mind of how much impact this speech is having. I saw the enthusiasm…
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  • Everyone who worked so hard on this deserve our gratitude, and I want to add my thanks.  It isn't quite…
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  • People are inately cruel, but people are also inately kind.  People are capable of the level of intelligence and sensitivity…
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  • Is this comment supposed to be an apology for pollution?  Are you serious?
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  • Thanks for this.  I'm for diaries that ask WHY. This is a key connection. It sheds more light not only…
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  • On Bill Clinton: I have a cousin who describes himself as a conservative Democrat, and wasn't a Clinton supporter.  But…
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  • On lightning, etc.: Up here on the North Coast of CA we had power knocked out for most of Humboldt…
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  • If I'm not mistaken, spying on UN delegates began at the San Francisco conference that created the UN.  Anybody know…
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  • Yes, there are plenty of gray areas.  But the basic journalistic ethic is simple and solid--as solid as a Wall.…
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  • I talk and write a lot about the future (hence the name.)  Prospects for the long term future are even…
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  • It isn't, and it is. The NGOs, without profit motive, are doing a better job than the for-profit contractors, and…
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  • My wish is that by next Christmas, the term "Redskins" will be widely understood as the racial slur that it…
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  • Think Progress had a detailed debunking the other day of the Clinton matter.  That's usually a good source on the…
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