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    Just in Time for Halloween: Spook the Neighbors with your 'Yes on 8 Zombie' Routine !!
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  • Anyone have any friends writing for The Daily Show?
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  • Dear Brothers and Sisters, As a follow-up to our request for volunteers to help with the Yes on Prop 8…
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  • Hey BooMan, Thanks for putting up with my monomaniacal obsession with all things Prop 8. If it's any consolation, we've…
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  • Surprise, surprise.  The original source blog is now no longer public.  Oh well.  I did a screen capture that is…
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  • The local tel contact for this action is Vern Nelson at 714-235-VERN
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  • Since I expect this to be my last diary about Schubert Flint, I wanted to thank Queers United, The Political…
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  • The new Vote No on Prop 8 site is up! http://noonprop8.com/home
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  • http://orangepunch.freedomblogging.com/2008/07/30/hypocrisy-and-gay-marriage/ I enjoyed reading your libertarian take on this issue.
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  • I came across something today about Ali Gomaa, Egypt's grand mufti, and three Koran verses he referred to when arguing…
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  • Mormons believe in marriage "for all eternity" (LDS Temple marriages are believed to extend beyond death and can involve more…
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  • Josiah Greene over at the California Majority Report calls out the Yes on 8 campaign for their kindergarten lies: http://www.camajorityreport.com/index.php?module=articles&func=display&aid=3275&ptid=9…
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  • http://laist.com/2008/07/23/lapd_cheif_bratton_donates_money_to.php Los Angeles' top cop donated money to Equality California ... "The Constitution guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of…
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  • http://laist.com/2008/07/25/gay_marriage_ban_proposition_langua.php http://boifromtroy.com/?p=7394 Here's what Prop 8 is now going to look like on the ballot: ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME-SEX COUPLES…
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  • http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/07/25/BA5511V2DO.DTL The fearmongering and fabrications are coming out of the Yes on 8 campaign thick and fast now.
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  • My hope is that Jennifer Kerns, or Jeff Flint, or Frank Schubert might notice this letter from a Mormon father…
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  • I find it frustrating that I can pop over to the UK and find more LDS financial disclosure than I…
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  • go back to picketing Mormon temples? Just wondering. I mean, considering that it's only July, and the ProtectMarriage.com folks are…
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  • http://news.lavenderliberal.com/2008/07/18/california-prop-8-down-by-9-meanwhile-backers-in-lovers-q uarrel/
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  • As such, might this be a useful Letter to the Editor to your local newspaper?
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