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    And just for today, let's make it a little Mormon scripture: http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/134 We do not believe it just to mingle…
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  • I think Kevin Drum makes an important point here: I think we can be cautiously optimistic that Prop 8 is…
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  • Thanks for the link.  Are people in Michigan starting to wake up and tire of these friggin' distractions, too?  Hope…
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  • The full report is here. (Warning PDF)
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  • http://www.redcounty.com/placercountyca/2008/07/brown-press-release-look-at-me/#c68661 JEFF FLINT SAID: I'm for change....blah blah blah...I's for bringing people together...blah blah blah...let me quote Obama some more....blah…
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  • http://www.redcounty.com/placercountyca/2008/07/brown-press-release-look-at-me/#c68661 JEFF FLINT SAID: I'm for change....blah blah blah...I's for bringing people together...blah blah blah...let me quote Obama some more....blah…
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  • http://www.redcounty.com/placercountyca/2008/07/brown-press-release-look-at-me/#c68661 JEFF FLINT SAID: I'm for change....blah blah blah...I's for bringing people together...blah blah blah...let me quote Obama some more....blah…
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  • Defeating Prop 8 is not only about defending equality before the law, it's also about checking the GOP's attempt to…
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  • False flag op.
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