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    One word: primary. Who's running against him, and how soon can I start sending checks?
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  • People are rarely convicted of sedition because it's not actually illegal in any meaningful sense during peacetime. During major wars,…
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  • Yes, it is. Unambiguously.
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  • Frankly, I don't see it. The military has always been reliable when it comes to dealing with insurrections, including periods…
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  • They're trying to start a civil war. I don't think they're likely to succeed, but they may eventually produce a…
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  • Netanyahu and his fellow travelers have only one goal with respect to the Palestinians. I believe the semi-official terminology for…
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  • I have my doubts that the current administration would permit Israeli flights through US-controlled airspace. Nor is it like there…
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  • True, but consider that Hitler diverted trains from delivering much needed supplies to the eastern front in order to instead…
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  • It's worth bearing in mind that fascism, in its rather purer Italian form, aims for a close collaboration between business…
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  • Who is Bibi to lecture us about what we must do? Oh come on, what makes this relationship special is…
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  • We may be the beneficiaries of what I suspect is a strong Clinton family grudge against both the Israelis and…
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  • While I can't summon much enthusiasm for another Blue Dog, it is worth noting that in most of the remaining…
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  • Oh my, as old as capitalism itself?! Human civilization has been around for nearly ten thousand years. The world did…
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  • It's worth considering that Barack Obama is, at best, a member of the Establishment who is occasionally willing to call…
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  • One can hardly blame the government. They were probably looking at all the shining success stories of earlier torturers successfully…
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  • I certainly hope EFCA can be saved, if for no other reason than a rejuvenated labor movement would bring about…
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  • I would argue that there have been stretches of time in American history in which materialism and militarism have waned…
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  • Scroll back forty years, and aside from his racial egalitarianism, "friendly, moderate" Mr. Obama is a center-right politician. Closer to…
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  • I suggest that we do indeed confront the threats of the 21st century head-on and purge the neo-con internal enemy.…
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  • The Jay and Silent Bob caucus? If only. Instead, we have an entire Congress, perhaps minus one or two members,…
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