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    Too true. While the thrust-vectoring technology of the F-22 is quite amazing -- and arguably ought to be applied to…
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  • [...] it just doesn't work over a battlefield where one side is using booby traps activated by TV remotes [...]…
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  • Even broken clocks are right twice a day. It could be that Mr. Paulson actually understands the whole affair and…
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  • I tend to think the Chinese threat is a bit overstated. They seem rather intent on repeating all of the…
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  • Interesting proposal, though like many of the proposals floating around these days, I have to admit that I don't understand…
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  • Amen, brother. Like aahpat, I'm a middle-aged white guy, which gives me some protection if I keep my mouth shut…
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  • Definitely Zion out of the ones you mentioned, but that's the only one of those I've been to. Of the…
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  • Intellectual laziness and sloppiness aside, I think there are two main sources of motivation for the pro-nationalization argument. There are…
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  • While it's sad to see, I can't say I'm terribly surprised. President Obama plainly believes that any problem can be…
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  • Hm, I did not know that. The Israel lobby sure has top-loaded this administration almost as effectively as they did…
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  • This, really, gets to the core of the reason why Israel does not deserve the support of the West: despite…
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  • The challenge for liberalism in this era is a difficult one because the opposition will prey upon our reluctance to…
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  • I wish it were surprising, but you're quite right, it isn't. I have come to suspect strongly that what has…
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  • I don't think I've ever been under any such illusions about the history of the state of Israel. Every time…
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  • So the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors have been reduced to justify their atrocities by saying they were following orders and…
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  • I'm thinking about something Thomas Jefferson once said: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than…
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  • No kidding. I was hoping that the Obama administration would eliminate the need for me to continue looking for better…
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  • I think you're right on with that. People cling to religion because they're afraid, with death being one of the…
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  • As a Southerner, the concept of honor is deeply rooted in my psyche, a product of both upbringing and environment.…
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  • I live in Cooper's district. You may safely assume that if his primary challenger is a comatose aardvark, I'll be…
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