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    To be fair, to whom would the banks issue loans? A large part of the reason for our current crisis…
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  • Yes, that's how it's pronounced. As a rule of thumb, most systems of transliteration from non-Latin scripts use roughly the…
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  • It's a dangerous point to make, given the likelihood that anyone pointing out the Likudnik conspiracy in neocon foreign policy…
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  • Well, I have plenty of ideas, but things aren't bad enough yet for them to get any traction. That, and…
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  • As someone who used to be an ardent supporter of Israel, I can tell you that it's already too late…
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  • I don't see it happening. We're shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs every month at this point. Do you really…
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  • Well said. Personally, I wouldn't pay much attention to, much less feel any shame over, being held in contempt by…
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  • Right on, on both points.
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  • We can argue this one into the ground, though I'm not going to waste a whole lot of time arguing…
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  • I don't think there's any credible debate that the European colonial invaders who call themselves the State of Israel are…
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  • I certainly can't argue with that. Those that make the plans and give the orders are the ones that are…
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  • Isn't it just a little fucked up, whenever someone calls out the Israeli reenactment of Nazi terror in the ghettos,…
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  • There are two things to consider here. First, Obama has only been president for what? A couple of weeks? Second,…
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  • To those who are disappointed that there hasn't been a total purge of Republicans from the government, don't worry, it's…
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  • That's not what I meant; sorry if I didn't phrase that as clearly as I should have. I was referring…
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  • The problem here is that I'm not objecting to a bill serving multiple purposes. While the practice is sometimes abused,…
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  • Hm, nobody on the right complained when presidential candidate Ronald Reagan reached out to the Iranians behind the scenes... to…
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  • "You people"? Ah yes, you must be a visitor from the dark side. The reason Steyn's putative argument is ignored…
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  • The religious right has always thought of disease -- and pretty much any other calamity -- as being divine vengeance.…
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  • Meh. If they were in touch with reality, they wouldn't be right wing extremists to begin with. Within a few…
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