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    Generally speaking, I have no problem with nationalizing things if the companies are fairly compensated. Venezuela has announced that it…
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  • How about "sharing delight"?
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  • When it comes to poliotical strategy, Kos is as good as Bush is when it comes to war strategy. He…
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  • Have any other suggestions on how to get him impeached?
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  • I'm not surprised. What do you expect from Bush's distant relatives?!!
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  • I guess the Nucu-lar option is off the table.
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  • Yup.
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  • Hi James. Human history is filled with cases such as that. Just too long to cite them. The thing is…
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  • The point here is why take something out of the table?Most of the time people work within the system. But…
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  • Forget their economic position. Out of the system of not?
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  • Sorry for the interruption. Was watching Six feet under. (The people who are diddling with their dicks are the people…
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  • LBJ and the voting rights act. And those that where protesting in Alabama had nothing to do. Today, there is…
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  • This not only pertains no non-democrats. It also pertains to frustated Democrats like myself. To continue to vote for them…
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  • Taken. There are a lot of great people that have left, many of them are friends. I don't like at…
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  • I will be writing what has been going on in Argentina in the last 5 or six months. I is…
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  • You should read the post I wrote below, or go to the forst diary itself. Don't be so unfair. Super…
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  • You really went out of your way, didn't you??? I posted there once, and said that I had posted there…
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  • Thank you!
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  • I know nothing of going to someones house. But before you call all the people there fucking freaks, you should…
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  • Are the new rules in effect already??????
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