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    You should read Michel  Foucault's Discipline and Punishment. In it he discribes the importance of the public spectacle of punishment.…
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  • I heard that Mexico has or is about to allow abortions, and the central issue is that it is a…
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  • Amen to  everything you said here except that this will be the last post on the subject.Keep it up
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  • It is not about a code of conduct. The problem is that he is dismissive of a death threat. He…
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  • I'm all for boycotting DK. However, when Kos writes shit like that, how can you reach those over there if…
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  • Strange thing when you take into account that women and minorities are the core of those who vote fro Democrats.
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  • Thqnks for posting this Steven. Threats should always be taken seriously. Imagine what would happen if the cops would have…
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  • Seems like a diminishment of affluence has a lot to do with an advancement of women's rights. I absolutly agree…
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  • Special;ly considering that the US has the HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF RAPE IN THE WORLD
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  • Say Wha??????????????????????
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  • I thought he had been set free last Friday. Thank you for the news!
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  • And in the mean time, an international terrorist who  is also a fugitive, and who entered the US illigaly, is…
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  • Send your table to Congress!!!
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  • But impeachment is off the table :0(
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  • Use this and this and problem solved.
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  • Just heard in Telesur, that cuban terrorist Posadas Carriles was set free on bail.
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  • Many Americans are incensed they were taken alive All these talking heads weren't saying the same when the three Americans…
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  • ...the current administration has pretty much destroyed America's reputation for promoting human rights. That is debatable. I don't think I…
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  • OId trick: Soak your hand in hot water (as hot as you can stand it) with lots of salt.It will…
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  • Si no me equivoco, America es un nombre italiano. Que tal si tambien lo cambian!
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