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    I have a brother-in-law who's a total jerk; always has been, always will be. He and his wife and their…
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  • I'd have liked to be a fly on the wall when the jury was discussing the evidence. What could they…
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  • I'm willing to suspend disbelief to a certain degree, but Trump defies all logic. His behavior isn't just eccentric or…
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  • Trump seems unaware of the seven degrees of incrimination.
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  • Nothing Trump says garners any concern among Republicans. He's their distraction for the masses while they go behind the scenes…
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  • Speaking of drumming up Senate votes, McConnell is pushing for the new version of the healthcare bill to be passed…
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  • I'm working, but my sis texted me and said McCain has lost his mind. So it's not just you being…
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  • Thanks for another indepth analysis, Booman. That's why I come here. Trump shit the bed immediately when he insulted the…
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  • Trump is the champion of the ill-informed, not to mention being an ignorant buffoon when it comes to protocol and…
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  • Incompetence and Infighting, Anger and Assholery, Confusion and Corruption, Greed and Gutlessness...the list never ends! Any one of these things…
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  • I'm fifty-nine and grew up listening to pop and rock music. I got a little transistor radio when I was…
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  • Everyone saw something like this happening. Everyone, Mike Pence included, although Republicans will still try to portray him as if…
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  • "Here's the pit bull puppy from the States, sir. Feed him goodies and treats, tell him he's such a good…
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  • Comey is SO tall! It cracks me up that he wanted to stay out of the limelight and thought he…
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  • Too many people have invested too much time and money to walk away now, elected politician or private corporate citizen.…
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  • This may not have anything to do with comparisons to past administrations, but doesn't the contemporary media play a role…
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  • I wept when Barack Obama won his first term as President, not just a few tears, but big gulping sobs…
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  • Trump exists in his own universe. He never bothered to study history, American or otherwise, so he doesn't know how…
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  • Please proceed, Mr Trump. His unfiltered, ham-handed, childish comments will get him in the end. He shoots from the lip…
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  • The Democrats can learn from the Republican playbook. They can capitalize on every mistake the Trump administration makes and they…
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