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    These days, any escape is welcome. Have fun at the party and close off the politics for a while. I…
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  • What concerns me, and by "concerns" I mean "terrifies", is the scattershot approach these fuckers are attempting to use. Some…
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  • Handsome? You are adorable!
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  • Will the news networks cover the protests today in DC and across the country? I hope so. I leave to…
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  • I should be getting paid in about a week, and will renew some memberships, like the ACLU, and make donations…
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  • The sick feeling that walloped me on Election night is back in full force, and I'll be slightly off balance…
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  • No, bears are no joke, but Betsy DeVos as head of Education is. There is plenty to go after her…
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  • There seems to be only minor reaction from the Republicans to a trump presidency because there is a symbiotic relationship…
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  • And I've seen Facebook posts by trump voters who scoff at the concern from fellow voters because, and I quote,…
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  • I love Joe Biden. I love Barack Obama. They are good, honest, smart, and hard-working men who sacrificed so much…
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  • I sent my protest letters to my Senators yesterday, Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown. I specifically protested the choice of…
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  • But it goes right along with trump's "opposite" policy. Most of his Cabinet choices are deliberate picks against the department…
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  • I think Meryl's speech was important because it reached a very wide audience. She used a concrete example, one that's…
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  • Thank you! Posting here anymore is like painting a target on your back. We can still be civil.
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  • I don't know enough about Melania to make a judgment call on her qualities for First Lady. She seems even…
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  • The Finns and Baltic states might disagree with your assessment. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/22/finland-us-russia-military-security
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  • The Republicans have been dead-set against the ACA since Day One but couldn't create a repeal until trump made it…
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  • So true! When Hillary was campaigning, some of the cast members from the West Wing came to a few Ohio…
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  • You are so right, Janicket. We are just getting started with this ridiculous nonsense. I sprained my eyeballs severely during…
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  • Based on this choice as well as the other picks trump has made, it's clear that he wants to do…
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