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    Hey, that's just Trump soundin' presidential again.
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  • I'll have to join the chorus here and say that this hypocrisy will be added to the heap of others…
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  • It all fits with their anti-PC mentality. We Liberals are all touchy-feely and our feelings are so easily hurt! As…
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  • These attacks happened, and more will happen as well, because Trump has made it okay to vocalize racism and hatred.…
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  • Imagine, if you will, a political election in which both candidates have sparkling records and smart plans for the future…
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  • Compare the intense scrutiny of every word and action by Hillary Clinton to the relatively hands-off treatment of Trump. Nobody…
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  • This new faux incriminating email drama shouldn't change the opinions of Hillary voters. It didn't change my vote, but I…
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  • The Trump effect in action. Say whatever your puny racist brain can come up with, insult someone whose military and…
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  • My sane mind is like...pffft! No way can Trump win! No numbers will convince me that he has a shadow…
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  • Why in the world did The Donald have a star in the first place? Trump's bombastic, take-no-prisoners tactics have driven…
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  • Early on, Republicans relished Trump because he represented anti-government and favored regulation-busting, he was opinionated and spoke forcefully about their…
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  • Anniversaries of loss are difficult. Please accept my condolences. My mother still cannot sit idle on my late father's birthday,…
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  • Well, Ryan didn't have the experience and support that Boehner used to have, so he is in a precarious position.…
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  • Perfect!
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  • The only music that comes to mind for me is carnival circus tunes from an old calliope. That, backed by…
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  • Most of us will not fault people for wanting a leader who maybe did not have a long political pedigree.…
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  • You're obviously asking about a certain age group of children. My three sons are older: 23, 27, and 29, so…
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  • Here was his non-apology today: "This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago," Trump…
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  • Knowing his record for saying terrible things, I don't think that this matters to his campaign. Women already loathe him,…
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  • Like many, I was poised to vote for John Edwards until his life unraveled of his own doing and his…
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