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    I can't watch those ridiculous events (I won't even call them debates) because life is short and I can't spare…
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  • The needle on my outrage meter is stuck all the way over to the right. Not only is the Republican…
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  • I chortle at the GOP and how they have painted themselves into a corner. Trump was a joke who was…
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  • Is more important for your child to be respectful or independent? Is more important for your child to be obedient…
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  • Mike, I'm in Dayton, and I, too, remember that disgusting election. Of course, SW Ohio has been gerrymandered half to…
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  • It will be amusing to see them tap dancing around this birther issue. As usual, the Republicans will bluster and…
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  • Bowie was from my time. I can't believe he has passed, and I am reminded of how I felt when…
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  • I don't think anything President Obama does would change how the Republicans think about him or how things are going…
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  • Here's the thing: lots of people who are fans of Trump and Carson are following them because they're "not politicians".…
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  • I agree that it's all a big ego trip for Trump. Listen to his comments about actual governing: he knows…
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  • So the New York Post is taking cues from Trump. The whole "enabling" concept is straight out of Trump's mouth.…
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  • Our culture of fear continues to breed more gun owners and more targets, real or imagined. There was a news…
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  • I think beards are a trendy thing, too. All three of my adult sons wear full beards and they look…
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  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Frog Pond People! Thanks for another year filled with keen insights and enough humor…
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  • Too bad he didn't fall into a meat grinder.
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  • Well, this has Lord Master Cheney's fingerprints all over it. He will go down in history as promoting and condoning…
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  • For what it's worth, I'd like to wish a happy holiday to everyone here. It's been a year of political…
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  • Whatever The Donald uses on his hair can't possibly be sanctioned by the EPA, so no wonder he's against regulations.
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  • The Republicans wear "isolated and ridiculous" as a badge of honor. They can't be shamed or embarrassed; that's clear by…
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  • Well, we are not in a draft situation and women are not only requesting active combat duty, they've lobbied hard…
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