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    Boran, I always enjoy seeing your paintings evolve. You have an outstanding collection! Thanks for sharing!
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  • Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this news. My condolences to Martin and his family.
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  • Dick Cheney? What, is Satan too busy?
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  • I don't even know what to make of Ben Carson, because for a trained, educated medical professional, he sounds like…
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  • Oh, Bobby, why are you talking? Your brain stem isn't capable of reason, so it would be best if you…
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  • "John Boehner quite rightly thought they were nuts but he evidently had misplaced his own nuts..." Well, that is the…
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  • We shared a sunny day, Booman, and my Bengals won over Kansas City. So all's right with my world!
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  • Hillary is a known entity, Bernie is not. People will go with the devil they know and they think Hillary…
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  • If only your comment about your son being too young to understand would hold up over time. Even our President,…
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  • The Republican Party is in freefall. The party that put Boehner in as Speaker of the House no longer exists.…
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  • Well, the gloves will have to come off soon for the candidates running against Trump. No one has really dished…
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  • Many happy returns! I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday. It seems the Republicans are also getting their jets lined up.…
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  • I think it's funny and also telling that on most of liberal political websites I read every day, nobody watched…
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  • I'm in agreement about Kasich being the voice of reason, such as it is. And he's a businessman, so he…
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  • It's just a stupid program and who cares.
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  • Hopefully Perry is just the first in a Fail Parade of losers. Can't wait to see the rest of the…
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  • Please proceed, Mr Gohmert...
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  • I despise George Bush. I reached a point during his first term when I couldn't bear to even hear the…
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  • In a just and sane universe, Sarah Palin would never ever be allowed to run for any type of office…
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  • The Republican party despises the Democratic party so completely that they will knowingly and purposefully ruin any and all aspects…
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