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    Here are my answers: They're all monsters and/or idiots I wouldn't have a beer with any one of them. The…
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  • Awww! A big day for the Little Man! Enjoy every moment! My three boys are men and I still cherish…
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  • I believe the strength of the Republican party lies in their religious beliefs and everything is tied to that. Take…
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  • Remember when Kerry was running for President and all we heard, day in and day out, was FLIP FLOPPER? Heh.…
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  • Aaaaaand once again, Ohio shows itself. I was born and raised here in Ohio and believe me when I say…
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  • Christie is a toad, full stop. So this is just another instance of the Republican frame of thought. They reduce…
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  • Is there a solution to this? I thought when we saw little children gunned down in a school that there…
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  • This! I believe the Tea Party plan was the gate that opened up the party to disaster. The Republicans were…
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  • What I find fascinating is that there hasn't been a huge amount of blowback yet against Trump. He's like Sarah…
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  • I don't believe anyone on the Right will take Trump down. They're afraid of him. I suspect he'll get to…
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  • Trump isn't going away unless he chooses to. He is what the Joe the Plumber types in this country adore:…
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  • You don't have to imagine what can happen. Look at the most recent case with Subway's Jason the Pedophile. Trolling…
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  • It appears $Jeb! doesn't really want to win. He's the second string highschool football player whose big brother, the quarterback,…
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  • To my mind, Ted Nugent is an overrated, talent-free, misogynist piece of shit. His opinions should have as much value…
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  • When I was a teen back in the seventies, we visited friends in Rhode Island. It was right after Jaws…
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  • haha! Here's a quote from one of the commenters: It wasn't me who said it, but this was good... Train…
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  • Megyn can stand on her own two feet, and Trump loves outrage, so nothing has changed. Everything you said is…
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  • I'm just glad I don't have to see Bush's stupid face anymore, or Cheney's rotten smirk. And I don't miss…
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  • Bullies tend to forget that at some point, the people they've bullied will push back. It will happen to Trump,…
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  • I grew up in white suburbs in the sixties and seventies and attended all white schools. My high school had…
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