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    Oh, I am so friggin tired of this! Every day the nutjobs in our society and our government are desperately…
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  • The Stupid has been strong all month, it seems. From Stupid Republicans not understanding how women's reproductive organs work, to…
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  • Using the Internet is like drinking alcohol. When some people get drunk, they lose some inhibitions and suddenly feel smarter,…
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  • We admonish our children to not hit others, then we spank them. We say not to kill others, then we…
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  • Boehner couldn't carry Ruth Bader Ginsberg's water bottle. She has class, style, brains, and a deep and loyal dedication to…
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  • I'm a long-termer as well, and have enjoyed your work, Steven. No one can understand the ongoing battles against unjust…
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  • This is what everything will come down to: the Republicans inability across the board to run this country. They have…
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  • Stewart is a very intelligent man, and his sense of humor is impeccable. He is able to speak forcefully, yet…
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  • I'm an artist, so I love all colors! But my house is decorated mostly in greens and blue-greens and when…
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  • With all the crap happening, I'm more tempted to say, "Not my circus, not my monkeys".
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  • Seahawks, I hope. We have friends in Seattle. My interest in this Superbowl is strictly as a party venue. We're…
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  • "Terri who?" says the American Public. They don't remember the horrible circumstances of the Schiavo case and they can't appreciate…
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  • Good riddance, Mitt, you smug, self-centered, self-righteous gasbag. You would have been a horrible president because you cannot relate to…
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  • This will sound as corny as hell, but sometimes you have to look inward instead of outward. Outward is always…
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  • I just watched a newsbit on NBC news last night about the parents who "allowed" their ten year old son…
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  • I propose a new approach: ignore Mitt! Really, his ego is so enormous that he believes he can actually run…
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  • I have a friend in Finland who is a very intelligent guy. He has done a lot of international travel,…
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  • You can't shame, embarrass, or insult anyone as un-self aware as Brooks. He's surrounded by bootlickers in some idealized ivory…
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  • Power, power, power. The military is based on power, rank, and control. I just recently watched a special on PBS…
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  • Happy New Year to the good people of the Frog Pond. It's the first blog I read every day, so…
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