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    It's difficult to pin this type of story down for all the reasons you wrote about: the length of time…
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  • Haha! We used to do this one: ABCD puppies? MRNo puppies! OSAR! CMP?
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  • Mine is just my name and last initial. I truly have a lively imagination, and I'm an artist who makes…
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  • Obama's entire presidency has been a no-win situation for him. He bent over backwards in the beginning to encourage bipartisanship,…
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  • The stupidest thing I've seen today is a letter to the editor in our local paper. A woman from Beavercreek,…
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  • I'm in Ohio. My sister is in Florida. There ain't enough grief counselors on the planet to fix us.
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  • Ohio is now bloody red and Republicans took every race here. What pisses me off is that when questioned, voters…
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  • My husband, son, and I voted at 8:00 am and there had been thirty-five voters ahead of us. The weather…
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  • Haha! Oh, I know, Mike. My son worked for the paper as an intern when he was going to OU…
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  • Republicans are loathsome creatures and they have gotten used to having free rein in politics, unchastiised and un challenged when…
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  • All cancers are different, but we faced every parent's nightmare when my oldest son was diagnosed with ALL when he…
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  • I've been out of town all week, but at the hotel the TV was always on FOX. I nearly fell…
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  • Phyllis Schlafly is still alive? I thought she would have been consumed by her own bile by now. I hope…
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  • We have three sons, ages 27, 25, and 21. The oldest was diagnosed with leukemia at age three. He survived…
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  • Been there, done that. It ain't much, but I've dropped some coin in the bucket for you. You and Balloon…
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  • The team stepped up to cover for you, BooMan, so that was great. But it's wonderful to have you back,…
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  • He should be in jail, most definitely. His lies led to the panic and he walked away with blood on…
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  • No indictments for the cop who shot the young black man in our local Walmart, surprise, surprise. In an Open…
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  • Congrats on another year successfully navigated!  Here's to many more!
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  • The iPod was dazzling to me when it made its debut. I thought it was the most remarkable thing in…
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