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    My husband and I have been without regular health insurance coverage for decades. He was let go from his job…
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  • Yeah, the Republicans haven't got anything legitimate to bitch about, so they fire up their followers with religious bullshit and…
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  • Sarah Palin makes me sad. You know, there are hundreds of intelligent, thoughtful, inspired people out there who would be…
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  • I'm having a snow day, too. It started early this morning in our area of SW Ohio with sleet, then…
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  • Huh. I thought Brooks died a while ago.
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  • Ohio's Asshole, I mean Governor Kasich, is King of Privatization. Look how well it's working for Ohio! http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/04/10/1843291/over-18-months-nations-first-privately-owned-sta te-prison-has-declined-rapidly/ He…
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  • You're welcome at my table any time, Mike! I hope you and yours have a great day.
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  • I know!  ðŸ˜‰   When they're done, they practically melt in your mouth and the flavor is amazing. It's an…
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  • I'm in my kitchen already today, cooking the things that can be done ahead of time. Tomorrow is the turkey,…
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  • I went to Miami University in Ohio and they changed our Redskins to Redhawks years ago. It took a while…
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  • I'm guessing that Trey will never accept the consequences of breaking the law. He'll go through the motions, but he…
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  • In addition to being the type of person who has anger issues and a bully complex, Zimmerman also seems to…
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  • As kids, my sister and I would spend two weeks at my grandparent's house in West Virginia. Grampa kept ponies…
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  • Outside the blog world and talking to people in the red, I mean real world, Obamacare is the worst disaster…
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  • Here in Ohio, Governor Stupid, aka Kasich, has hired Gordon Gee, the former Tsar, I mean President of the Ohio…
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  • These wimpy-assed pundits who love to rile folks up don't like to come out on the losing end. It's so…
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  • Speaking as an artist and lover of Grant Wood's work, I think Lester Longman was kind of a zealot. I…
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  • Death by cop? I dunno; anything's possible. She seemed to be determined about getting through and was willing to risk…
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  • Yes, Nick is George's father. He was a big deal in Cincinnati on TV for years. I met George Clooney's…
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  • What happened in the DRC troubled me so much that as an artist I was compelled to create a hooked…
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