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    Teaching a rug hooking workshop all of next week, so I'll have some dough in my Paypal account again. This…
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  • Big can of worms. Most of the comments in our local opinions column in the newspaper were about the decision…
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  • Yes, so much truth in this. Just look at Roe v Wade, being chipped away piece by piece every damned…
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  • Unless the results of Supreme Court decisions are publicized pretty broadly, only political bloggers are going to understand the enormous…
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  • It IS laughable that the version of the Republican Party that exists now would try to wrap itself in the…
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  • Yeah, not a Gerson fan myself, either, as I find him (ob)noxious. This is what is so infuriating (okay, among…
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  • My father just passed away on New Year's Eve, so this is my first Father's Day without him. It's tough,…
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  • I love regional language! My dear friend, born and raised in Tennessee, was transferred to New Hampshire. She is all…
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  • I pronounce them differently, too. SWOhio, represent! 😉 I remember in grade school chorus that our teacher had us sing…
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  • The layout looks good!  I use a grid when I'm laying out my rug designs.
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  • So many idiots, so little time... Right now, Ima say Erick Erickson, who rambled on about working women recently and…
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  • This is true. I'm an artist and I am currently expressing my creativity with wool hooked art rugs. Most people…
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  • The asshole-ishness is in the delivery. If I'm talking about movies with someone and they tell me their favorite is…
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  • I posted this elsewhere, but George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon once, and he's murdering him again. By smearing him in the…
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  • I was in tenth grade when a massive tornado struck nearby Xenia, Ohio. It was 1974 and the tornado devastated…
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  • Real change comes from the heart and from the brain, so Republicans are screwed.
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  • And on that DK list is another Dayton suburb, Beavercreek, which is 88% white and affluent, reminding everyone that gun…
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  • I live in SW Ohio in a decent-sized city and Saturday night at a local club in the quiet suburbs,…
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  • The email featured in the article is despicable. It's disgusting on multiple levels, actually. It feeds the paranoia of gun…
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  • Miami University in Ohio had the team representative Miami Indian, and they were called the Miami Redskins. While I was…
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