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    I have a good friend who works in the old Hotel Gallery of shops in Tipp. Small world!
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  • Well, I was late to the comments about why we come here, so let me jump in early this time.…
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  • Aw, thanks, Mike! From a Dayton gal.
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  • Oh, man, miss a day online and lose out big in the Comments! I read Booman first thing every day.…
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  • I saw Led Zeppelin play in Pittsburgh when I was fifteen. I went with my friend and her older brother.…
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  • I'm thrilled. Scaled back or not, this is a triumphant day for Democrats and for our President and his family.…
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  • Rush Limbaugh knows nothing of history, nor does he care. What Rush Limbaugh does is take key hot topics and…
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  • http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d27/Rughooker/dc9314f6.jpg Here's a link to one of my hooked rugs. I think your comments are funny; most of the comments…
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  • I'm dyeing! I'm dyeing! I am a fiber artist who makes hooked wool art rugs. I am teaching three workshops…
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  • Creamy smooth peanut butter, black raspberry seedless jam, wholegrain bread. And a glass of milk. And then a couple of…
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  • This is a point I would make as well. It is very difficult to compare the US to pretty much…
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  • You're braver than I. When my son was three, he was diagnosed with leukemia. We went through  a period when…
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  • Most of us won't let our minds go to that place, Boo. Those of us who have children don't dare…
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  • But see, the thing is, had I been honest with her and told her I thought she was a nut,…
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  • I met a woman who is a member of an organization to which I belong. We spent a week together…
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  • Biden is made for this kind of fight. He can cover Obama on one front and go after the gun…
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  • Haha! Owe me a Coke!
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  • I apologize if this has been linked to already, but it's another informed opinion: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/01/08/1177211/-Co-author-of-platinum-coin-law-weighs-in-on-trilli on-dollar-coin
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  • In Boehner's case, I don't think his refusals to speak to President Obama have anything to do with his alcohol…
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  • I've been married for 31 years and have three sons, 25, 23, and 19. My husband and I have always…
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