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    This murder will have to go through all the due process, stories will be collected, evidence analyzed, court dates set...and…
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  • Boehner's a party guy. He was always the handsome, charming frat boy type who loves golf and the booze, and…
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  • I cook up fresh green beans until all the healthy is out of them. 😉 I fry bacon and drain…
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  • I believe the Republican party as a whole is so fractured and damaged as a result of the election that…
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  • We'll have a dozen family members tomorrow with a few mixed nuts, but we simply don't discuss politics. My husband's…
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  • My oldest son, who is now 25, should probably be tested. He isn't high risk because of his sexual activity…
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  • They'd be better off making aliens the bad guys. It's much easier to believe.
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  • The Republicans are in the Kubler-Ross stages of grief. They are in denial, which seems to be followed rather quickly…
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  • Anyone who has been paying attention would have realized that Obama won because his team won. And his team won…
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  • The Republicans lost it when they put Palin up as an actual candidate. All of their credibility flew out the…
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  • The Republicans tried to trivialize "community organizer" and make it sound like something to be embarrassed about, which summarizes basically…
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  • I read that post and then the comments, and Hoo Boy! it's hilarious! These extremists are just plain old nuts.…
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  • I still liken FOX News to Rush Limbaugh in that their purpose is to misinform and enrage people. They are…
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  • Saw this photo: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/shakespeares_sister/shakes6/EQqRH.jpg Obama got a wrong number while phone banking. Love this photo!
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  • Boo, we Ohioans are sick of the Romney campaign as well. I'm surprised he hasn't built a damned mansion here,…
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  • EVERYBODY hates Romney. Everybody. He's running and keeping up in the polls because he's not black and he's not a…
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  • That's what I'm hoping for. 🙂
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  • I just want our guy Sharrod Brown to beat Josh Mandel here in Ohio. Mandel is a lying, cheating punk…
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  • Mike, I'm in Ohio too, and Ike was a real disaster here in the SW portion. I've never in my…
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  • This storm knocked lots of people for a loop. We are just starting to see the amount of devastation, and…
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