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    bwa ha ha!
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  • I actually heard that quote stated as a joke: What's the difference between Romney and Obama? Romney signs his checks…
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  • I suggest we call them the SAPs, the Selfish Asshole Party. They've done everything they possibly can to have earned…
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  • Haha, at Wonkette, they call him Old Handsome Joe Biden. And I have to agree, he is still a good-looking…
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  • Our local newspaper ran a NYT article about how Romney is changing his ad tactics and pulling away from the…
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  • I'm an artist, so there you go. They don't call us "starving artists" for nothing. I've always had to work…
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  • I think it's largely projection on the part of the Republicans. They're reflecting their own dishonesty onto the Democrats. I…
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  • Romney couldn't convincingly yell for water if his hair was on fire, so I doubt that he'll be able to…
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  • Ohio's economy is by no means booming, nor is unemployment turning around in a hurry, but things ARE getting better…
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  • The ads are relentless here in Ohio, as I've repeatedly mentioned, but I think the overkill has numbed the average…
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  • Making the assumption, and it's a pretty good one, that Mitt loses convincingly in November, what is he going to…
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  • Oh, I know. My husband and son have canvassed locally and done phone banking. We're all voting and we go…
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  • My apologies for my fractured comment. It looked fine when I sent it. Richard, I'm in Dayton, Ohio. The ads…
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  • Remember that Mitt is running solely because he looked more "presidential" than the looney toons who tried to run against…
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  • Oh, I really like it, too! Very nice structure and contrast, and I like the upward angle of the shot.…
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  • Or if they say they're voting for Romney, simply ask them why. If they say he's a businessman with corporate…
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  • Ann Romney is defensive because she knows that she and her husband don't represent the people. They are unable to…
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  • Here in Ohio, we get a huge volume of ads and most people are sick to death of them. The…
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  • My hope is that even though the 47% video won't alienate his base  because they agree with him, it will…
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  • Happy Birthday from a loyal fan! I hope you enjoy friends, family, and your favorite birthday cake.  ðŸ™‚
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