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    What a boob! I overheard some dumbass at a restaurant yesterday saying Obama wants to make the country into a…
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  • He's adorable even when he's serious!
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  • My friends had a pit bull who seemed like a real sweetie, but one day when my friend reached for…
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  • My middle son, age 23, dropped out of college and was accepted by Americorps. He worked a full year, loved…
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  • My nephew, who is just fourteen, sustained a terrible broken wrist last fall playing football for his school team. The…
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  • Is the old rumor true that "TurnEmUp Ted" shit himself and convinced the Draft Board that he wasn't fit for…
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  • Funny. Ann Romney presumes to know the minds of working mothers and of dogs, too. She's quite the psychic.
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  • She can STFU. My son, 24, is lucky to have both a full time job and a part time job…
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  • RE Derbyshire, I'll use WAA as an ad hoc abbreviation for What An Asshole. I would advise my kids to…
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  • I followed a similar path. My mother took us kids to a Presbyterian church, which was really Church Lite, and…
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  • Thank you. My husband's dad died with Alzheimers, too. It's a cruel disease that robs the person of everything. He…
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  • As the mother of three sons, ages 25, 23, and 19, I am horrified and heartsick about this case. I…
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  • These wingnutty people are in a panic. They don't read or hear what is actually being said, but wait for…
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  • Yuck. I went to read that link and as usual, it's the rhetoric the Assrocket is known for. In the…
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  • It's another, "Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't" type of situation. Gives the Prayer Breakfast, gets accused of…
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  • Love, love, love our first lady. I think she's fantastic.
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  • One of those good news/bad news weeks for me. Bad News: I need extensive dental work and we have no…
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  • Well, duh! Of course! But only if you're a man. Women shouldn't be driving anyway, what with the putting on…
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  • There are lots of posts everywhere about Tebow, so I have nothing original to add. But I would be curious…
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  • This probably won't help, but my middle son was a "challenge" at times. I remember when he was about three…
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