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    And this is what I simply don't get about Palin's supporters. It's clear to anyone with half a brain that…
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  • Well, seeing as it was a big publicity stunt, they were not there to actually consume pizza and I expect…
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  • Are you sure the bug zapper works on mosquitoes? I have heard that they don't and I went here to…
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  • Led Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones. I actually saw Led Zep in Pittsburgh in the early seventies and they were…
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  • I suffered two miscarriages before having my first son, and they are both physically and emotionally traumatic. For a bunch…
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  • My aunt and uncle in rural West Virginia get ladybug infestations. One ladybug is cute; five hundred, not so much.…
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  • Oh, and here's one I just saw ten minutes ago. It will make your balls shrink to the size of…
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  • "Bumper Sticker Party" is the perfect way to describe their mentality. When it comes to taxes and the Right wing/Libertarian…
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  • I read that Trump said that he isn't going to run, but he had polled high and felt confident that…
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  • I was an art student in college and there was an exchange student from Iran studying here. I can remember…
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  • Fantastic. I'll share it for sure. Well said, non-confrontational, wise. If only people would pay attention.
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  • There is nothing President Obama can do that will appease the Right. Period. If he single-handedly developed a cure for…
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  • I believe that he's dead and I don't need the gore-soaked photos as proof. Those who are screaming for proof…
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  • That's terrifying! I'm so glad you and Finn are okay. That type of thing makes you nervous for days.
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  • I watched the first half hour of the wedding when the main players were arriving, then I had to go…
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  • I nicked this from another site, but it's so powerful that I had to share. Great video response to Trump…
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  • A lot of blog comments about this topic are angry that Obama "capitulated" to Trump and the Birthers, and to…
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  • Yes, the women fleeing Indiana can skip their neighbor state, Ohio on their flight from restrictive anti-abortion laws. We, and…
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  • I like what you've done with the place, Boran! It's crisper and tighter and the contrast is good. Looking forward…
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  • Gah, is Coulter still making the rounds? She's like a yeast infection; popping up when conditions allow, disappearing for a…
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