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    Yep. That's why the Republicans are throwing every damned abortion proposal out there. They are setting up a huge fall…
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  • Victim-blaming: it's what the Republicans do. Maybe things would have turned out better if the parents of those young men…
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  • Well, I have to whine again about Ohio, because our newly purchased, I mean elected Governor Kasich is all about…
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  • The Republicans have no frontrunner because they have nothing to run on, other than Vote the Black Man Out. They…
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  • Ohio voters were of the "vote the bums out" mindset at the last elections. It was misdirected anger as far…
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  • Yes. Case in point, Ohio's new governor John Kasich. He killed the development of light rail and gave the Federal…
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  • Well, Phelps is certainly one of the most despicable "human beings" on the planet, but Alito does not even come…
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  • Gee, I cannot recall the last time any new hire was listed as "openly heterosexual". Jeezus, can we ever get…
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  • I'm frustrated and infuriated by this crap! My son just completed ten months with Americorps, serving in Iowa, Michigan, South…
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  • Kasich here in Ohio is doing the same thing: busting unions and the government workers right to negotiate. He is…
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  • At our house, the spouse and sons will root for The Steelers, but I am still not a fan of…
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  • SW Ohio got the ice yesterday and the wind last night. Our neighbor across the street had massive tree limbs…
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  • She's pretty, both men and women like her, she's pretty, and she can raise tons of money as America's Sweetheart/tough…
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  • I watched her snide, self-serving video this morning. Clyburn's right; Sarah will never get it. As long as she views…
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  • I hope to see True Grit and The King's Speech soon. I have heard good things about both films. I…
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  • Thanks, Boran. I haven't heard yet how it went over, but I hope they like it. The guy who commissioned…
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  • Love the contrast you're building. It really solidifies the structure of the architecture. Did I already sent a link to…
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  • I love being snowed in. Hope you all stay safe and warm! My husband's Serbian grandmother used to make these…
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  • Oh, thanks, Boran. I am finishing the rug edges today. I hope to get a set of good final photos…
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  • fer duh, here's the link: http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d27/Rughooker/?action=view&current=d19184d8.jpg&mediafilte r=noflash
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