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    Thanks, Boran! back atcha with your new painting!
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  • Thanks, Andi It's pretty amazing how a few lines can make something happen. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d27/Rughooker/7551dd3b.jpg That's a close up of the…
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  • I like the composition on this one, Boran. I'm looking forward to seeing it develop.
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  • Thanks, Indy Dem! I have been making hooked rugs for about nine years. It's kind of a lost art, but…
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  • Yes, the rughooking I do is traditional style, not the latch hook with pieces of yarn. This particular rughooking uses…
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  • Beautiful work. CG! I envy you your knack for creating knitted goods. I cannot knit or crochet, not for lack…
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  • Yeah, Newt's the whole "package": liar, cheat, political disaster, moral bankrupt and all around terrible human being. Wait a minute,…
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  • What these numbskulls fail to understand about freedom of speech is that when you say something inflammatory in a public…
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  • That's funny, Alice. My folks are in their late seventies and they use the phrase "I shot my wad" to…
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  • I read Rumproast daily (right after The Booman Tribune) and I was sorry to hear the news about Strange. I'm…
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  • Thirty or forty years of muddying the waters of our morality puts us in the sixties or seventies, when the…
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  • I could only spare a bit, but you are one of my favorite bloggers and I respect you for hanging…
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  • I agree that skewing it toward high poll winners is a lousy idea. People need to see that the candidates…
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  • Oh, I disagree. Perry is a fool, and his ridiculous showing proves it. The debates are supposed to show us…
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  • Well, I'm a pretty happy Ohioan, as the majority of votes against Issue Two reversed Kasich's noxious bill halting collective…
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  • I voted with a mail-in ballot. During the last Presidential primary, the voting machine I was using didn't work properly;…
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  • The Wizard of Oz Star Wars Slingblade Breaking the Waves No Country for Old Men
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  • Well, guess who listens to that shit; it's not young people. They don't listen to the radio anymore. It's not…
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  • That's infuriating. We had a devastating windstorm here in SW Ohio after Hurricane Ike hit the south, and people around…
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  • Anything positive that Obama does from here on out will be labeled as "trying to get re-elected". It's a no-win…
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