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    Bengals fan here. I'm happy with our rookie quarterback even if the team still has a long way to go.…
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  • Extremist Republican Right-to-Lifers here in Ohio are still pushing the Heartbeat Bill. It would outlaw abortions at the first detectable…
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  • Happy Birthday to The Little Boo, and Happy New Year to all! It's great to have you here for info…
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  • In all seriousness, I nominate Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. She was thrust into the spotlight in the worst possible circumstance, announced…
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  • My family always celebrated Christmas Eve by attending church in the early evening, coming home to eat a light holiday…
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  • Merry Christmas to you and your family, Booman. This will be a fun one with Finn. I hope we'll see…
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  • This toy kitchen set was my favorite gift when I was a kid. It was perfectly scaled, and it came…
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  •  I can remember Republicans years ago referring to "knee-jerk Liberals". I think we have knee-jerk Tea Party members now, who…
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  • Oh, thank you! I tried to use the image tag link from photobucket, which obviously doesn't work. much appreciated!
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  • On to the foreground! Finally got the background finished. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d27/Rughooker/Donna%20Hrkman%20Hooked%20Rug%20collection/47d4a02f. jpg[/IMG]
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  • It's looking good. I can't believe how much you can pack into that small canvas!
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  • Thanks. I do my best work when I have large blocks of time, like this past weekend. I do try…
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  • Boran, can you not see it at the Photobucket link?
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  • Well, thanks very much!
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  • It isn't just the video console aspect. People have rioted over Cabbage Patch dolls, Furbies, and Tickle Me Elmos. It's…
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  • Thanksgiving dinner was a smash. Everyone had a good time, ate entirely too much, and we all enjoyed dining elbow…
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  • I hope you and CG and the guys all have a great Thanksgiving, too. I have a 27 pound turkey…
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  • Thanks! The tricky part of hooking is creating smooth rounded lines, because the basic foundation fabric is a small grid.…
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  • Personally, I think the members of Congress could use a good horsewhipping, but that's just me.
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  • Thanks very much, Don!
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