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    For me, it's that familiar feeling of suffocating helplessness. It seems like for every step forward we take, we're slapped…
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  • This is a great post, and thank you for spelling out exactly what bothers so many of us. I don't…
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  • I know. Color me crazy! lol
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  • When I consider what my wish list would be, it would make Mitt laugh out loud, it's so simple. I…
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  • Shut up, you.
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  • Uh oh. I'm old. I graduated high school in 1976. Our first five year reunion was held the same day…
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  • Pathetic. Now, why didn't they tase the naked guy who was tearing the face off his victim; that I could…
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  • I'm fifty-four and while I can still remember names, I have the menopausal mental fog that makes me forget words.…
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  • I'm not sure this link to the newspaper article will let you in, but there's the article: http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/politics/groups-outside-of-state-pumping-money-into-ohio-1388883 .html
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  • Just this morning in our Dayton Daily News there was a lengthy article about this. Ohio is a key state…
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  • Oh, Booman, I'm so old that I would have been watching the original shows back then! 😉
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  • Stupid idea, flawed right from the get-go. Milkshakes, fruit juice, and beer excluded? Hello, calories! Diet soda? Makes you crave…
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  • The first thing that popped into my head was the summer I spent at my grandparents house in rural West…
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  • Happy Memorial Day to all! It's stinkin' hot here; in the nineties for the past three days and the grass…
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  • Thanks! I've already started another one. 🙂
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  • Love the colors, love the contrasts, Very nice! My Alzheimers rug, finished: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d27/Rughooker/5cdc34b1.jpg
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  • I think the newer Republican politicians are more stupid, reflecting the stupidity of their constituents. And in reference to delivering…
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  • Subs here in Ohio. Fast food joints: Subway, Subbies, Submarine Shop, Submarine House.
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  • Happy Birthday, Cabin Girl! Enjoy your day and relax!
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  • And in addition to budget cuts, I wonder how much the panic over getting vaccinations has affected these outcomes. Even…
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