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    I'm exhausted, too. I taught a three day rug hooking class and today was the final day. Tomorrow I head…
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  • Betty Cracker over ar Rumproast posted this link to an amazing story about McGovern in the war. Brought tears to…
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  • I am not a fan of bumper stickers, but I would never put an Obama sticker on my car. Not…
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  • Face it, the Republicans are in panic mode. They may be puffed up and confident about a Romney win, but…
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  • Consider how Romney was raised. A strong patriarch for a father, a Mormon society where women are second-class citizens, enough…
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  • The worst? None of it The best? All of it, Katy. Obama finally brought a bazooka to a gunfight. Romney…
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  • This story epitomizes the entire Romney/Ryan campaign. First, you insult and denigrate the poor at every opportunity. Insult their food,…
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  • File it all under Disrespect. It's, "You Lie!" It's the President pictured with a bone through his nose. Or remarks…
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  • Joe did exactly what needed to be done: for himself, for Obama, and for the Democrats. He shut Ryan down…
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  • I love Joe Biden. That is all.
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  • Tonight is my dad's eighty-first birthday, so we'll be busy spending time with him. Of all the scheduled debates, I…
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  • Romney is the sum total of his parts, and no part of him is worth anything. His image has gone…
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  • While I would relish an historic blowout of immense proportions so I could say "neener neener" to the Republicans, I…
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  • As my dad always said, I'd like to buy Mitt for what he's worth and sell him for what he…
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  • Brilliant collection of back-up statements that show Romney's brash ability to lie, distort the truth, omit factual data, play fast…
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  • The fact that both Broun and Aikin sit on the Committee for Science, Space, and Technology makes my brain hurt.
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  • Well, I guess it depends on what a "lie" is. Here's a list of things he said: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2012/10/04/958801/at-last-nights-debate-romney-told-27-myths-in-38 -minutes/
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  • What pleases me is that the network news didn't just roll over and declare Romney as the New President. I…
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  • Remember that when Obama was elected, one of the primary goals in the Republican playbook was Tank the Economy. They…
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  • My husband and I are going to a friend's house for a debate party and play-by-play. We just went there…
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