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    SW Ohio (Dayton) is fine. We have had heavy winds for three days and last night was definitley the worst,…
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  • Nothing to be embarrassed about. You could just as easily been out trying to bail floodwater or pull downed trees…
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  • Well, Booman, how's the homestead? Everything secure, everyone safe? You all have been in our thoughts. Here in SW Ohio…
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  • President Obama just addressed the press: When asked about the effect of the storm on the election, he said: [Updated…
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  • Hang tough! I just saw some storm footage on the news from NJ and it looks like a doozy. In…
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  • Stay safe! Stay dry! Thinking of you here in SW Ohio, where we hope to remain on the fringe of…
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  • Shit happens. I've had my share of terrible surprises as well as wonderful ones. I think that overplanning leaves you…
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  • Whew! Awesome piece, and it addresses the very important issues of control: what the rapist demands for himself and what…
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  • Sununu IS a toad; a bitter, angry, racist toad. Ya know, these Republicans and their smarmy, snotty racist comments really…
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  • Ohio, where I live, is still a hive of activity, and frankly it's nearly impossible to watch TV now. Every…
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  • I just got back from teaching a rug hooking workshop in St Louis and I did pretty well, so I…
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  • These Christianist assholes should start preaching "DO NOT RAPE!" to men everywhere, if they need to preach. And they don't…
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  • Obama embarrassed Romney with those comments, people laughed, it all went viral, and now the idiots have to try and…
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  • I switched over to PBS for the comments after the debate and rolled my eyes so hard at David Brooks…
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  • So Romney is trying to downplay Obama getting Osama Bin Ladin?! Good luck with that, Mittens, you asshole.
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  • Obama stood up to the lame assertions Mitt made about ignoring  Israel and then Mitt is dodging the hypothetical threat…
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  • Fewer ships? We have fewer horses and bayonets, too... OMFG! Woo hoo!
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  • Romney's talking fast without saying a goddamned thing. He's pulling phrases and talking points out if his ass and he…
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  • "tumult" was on the campaign desk calendar word of the day, apparently.
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  • Thanks! ::blushes::
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