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    Ten years ago on the first day of Bush's war, I was horrified about what was happening. It was the…
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  • Well, this is bizarre. I just mixed up some instant mashed potatoes for lunch to go with soup. I usually…
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  • Here are some Republican "thoughts": I've got mine, screw the rest of you. Democrats are subversive to my country and…
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  • Happy Anniversary! I don't know how long I've been here. I started reading you and Balloon Juice at about the…
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  • I think it was a good idea. It's good PR and it shows a common sense effort at reaching out…
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  • Today's headline in our local paper: "Groups Push to Arm Students on Campus" Yes, because it's a brilliant idea to…
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  • fresh pineapple, but too much hurts my mouth; too acidic.
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  • I hope he's a better trainer than he is an actor.
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  • We ran into this at my Alma Mater, Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. When I was there, we were the…
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  • Madman Across the Water. I played it constantly. I thought it was amazing then, and I still do. I can't…
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  • That's the first album I ever bought, right after it came out. I was in seventh grade and I used…
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  • I've posted about this before and I think it's a serious matter. I don't listen to the likes of O'Reilly…
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  • I love getting my hair done. At my age, it's quite a process. I try to go four times a…
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  • I'll be honest, on the first day when McCain introduced her to the country on the campaign trail, I was…
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  • Didn't Geraldo just embarrass himself recently (again) with the hoodie controversy? Like Stand Your Ground was fine and kids wearing…
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  • Do you read John Cole at Balloon Juice? He went through a similar transformation. We all have to look at…
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  • Born 1958 and not really politically active, but I did vote in local elections, primaries, and general elections most of…
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  • The harder the line the NRA takes on the issues of gun control, the more unreasonable they will look to…
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  • I honestly believe they like and respect one another and this is a show of gratitude from Obama to Hillary…
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  • I've been a fan of the President since the beginning because he's smart and he's idealistic. In this second term…
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