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    Dear Stuart: You're doing a sucky job. Keep it up! Love, the Democrats
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  • Just look at what the Republicans had to work with in their 2012 convention. An entire cast of unsympathetic characters,…
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  • From your keyboard to God's ears, Booman. I have no basis for why I feel that Obama will win. I'm…
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  • The Conventions were so very important this year. Because the Republicans came off looking like segregation-loving, poor-hating, money grubbing liars,…
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  • Was it that bastard Ted Stevens from Alaska?
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  • The Democrats don't need to drag religion into the mix. Everyone knows by now that Mitt's a Mormon and they…
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  • You cannot cultivate a culture of hate and then expect people to restrain themselves. Most of the racist followers of…
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  • A designated racist? Do you mean there'll be just one? The scum we thought was washed away keeps coming back.…
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  • Because the other half of the country isn't voting for Romney, they're voting against Obama. Republicans would vote for anyone…
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  • My husband and I moved closer to downtown from the suburbs when we got married, and our kids went to…
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  • It reeks of desperation. Mitt is singularly unappealing and has nothing to offer his party in the way of goals,…
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  • I read that "article", gagged, paused a moment,  then read the comments. THEN I threw up. It's offensive on more…
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  • Well, there will be a lot of hot air, regardless of the weather.
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  • Akin framed his speech with clumsy language about rape and included ridiculous ideas about women's bodies shutting down the rapist's…
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  • Here's a link: http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2012/07/27/romney-offers-barista-half-consumed-hot-cocoa-i n-lieu-of-tip/ Why tip a guy for doing his job, amirite? He'll be thrilled to get an…
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  • Romney's a dick, no question, and it's in large part due to his privileged background. Not all wealthy, powerful people…
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  • It's bizarre. I was wondering when we would finally start to discuss what kind of foreign policy Mitt possesses, and…
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  • I'd been wondering when we'd get to discuss Romney's appalling lack of experience in foreign affairs. Surely we weren't going…
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  • Oh, I believe Ann Romney handled that, my friend, asked and answered. "us people" don't need to see those returns…
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  • Oh, Boran, color me crass, too; I was going to say the same thing.
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