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    Way back when Obama was first running for President, I watched the Sunday morning talk shows. I saw Bob Schieffer,…
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  • Yes, he lacks verbal acuity, but his dog whistle...wow!
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  • The Republicans are so pathetically desperate to get rid of Obama that they will beat any dead horses they can…
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  • Thanks! I am enjoying the Steampunk rug and wish I had more time to spend on it. Too many irons…
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  • I'm at a loss. The Republican Party, fractured as it is, now has the meanest, most hateful following I've ever…
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  • I could say it would give me eternal pleasure to see Cheney undergo "enhanced interrogation techniques", but then what kind…
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  • Ha! Cheney worships the twin gods, Money and Power. Child sacrifice is just a bonus to keep his fake heart…
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  • Thanks, WaterGirl. 🙂 When he was diagnosed at age three, it was in 1990. The oncologist took me by the…
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  • Well, I'm an atheist and my primary complaint against organized religion usually centers on how religion affects government and public…
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  • Thanks for the comments. I have been making hooked wool art rugs for about ten years now. I've gotten the…
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  • As a lifelong artist, my experience has been that unless I went into graphic art, (it used to be called…
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  • Good for you! Much deserved!
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  • I have no solutions. I think the country is filled with people who are frustrated about any number of things,…
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  • I think it's hilarious and pathetic that now every time one of these chowderheads opens his yap to suck up…
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  • A commentary worthy of Sarah Palin, word garbage lightly tossed with oily sentiment dressing. "Uncle Sugar"? He had to dig…
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  • I'm currently infatuated with a young musician named Ben Cooper, who has several bands. He's a wonderful musician and lyricist.…
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  • I don't know what it will take to blast the Republican meme machines, because they're stuck in the same stupid…
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  • Ya know, when I read something or watch a movie or show I don't like, I STOP WATCHING or READING…
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  • What does it say about a political party that has to teach empathy to its members? Seriously, having to remind…
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  • Depends on the recipient. Cream cheese on bagels, butter on toast. Then jalapeno jelly on the cream cheese bagel, and…
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