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    Shared tragedy brings people together, so the anniversary of such terrible events won't become obsolete or less triggering for a…
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  • I was recently in the Utica area of Michigan and drove past a Chinese restaurant called, I shit you not,…
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  • I was away from home on Election Night when Obama won and Romney was thumped. Fortunately I was in the…
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  • I hate to start my day with tears. That was heart-wrenching. But when I think about those kids' families, I'm…
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  • Hey, Mike! I'm fifteen minutes from this store. Beavercreek is a suburb of Dayton, 85% white, and the Walmart is…
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  • They really oought to post a picture of a brain, something they have even fewer of.
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  • I was sixteen, not a creature of politics, but sensient enough to know that Nixon had to go, and good…
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  • This sounds corny, but for me, seeing the world through the eyes of my children has always helped temper my…
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  • Leave Elizabeth Warren where she is for the time being. If she wants to run for President, she'll say so.…
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  • She's still around? Good grief, I thought she would have spontaneously combusted by now, what with her all-consuming level of…
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  • The American public knows or cares little about what Congress is doing. I just read a headline in our local…
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  • Yes, one of THOSE days that should have gone better, but I'm glad it didn't get worse. I travel often…
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  • If all these asshole Republicans would work this hard and spend this much money working on issues that would help…
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  • I've never understood what's wrong with being "politically correct". To me, it just means being respectful of the rights of…
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  • How about sinking a couple million into developing male contraceptive implants? The Republicans who like the idea of a sixteen…
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  • My son attended two years of college outside of Dallas, and that is considered by many to be the more…
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  • "I guess we are supposed to know what the hell John Boehner is talking about, but since most of don't…
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  • My family is driving to spend the weekend at my aunt and uncle's place in West Virginia. We'll have a…
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  • We, the middle class, are too complacent to stage an uprising. Like Booman said, we've got our diversions, but we've…
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  • Boehner is twisting himself like a pretzel to appease the Nagging Teabaggers. And speaking of pretzels, George W had 291…
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