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    What everyone needs to remember is that Trump is all about Trump: money, image, power. Everything he does will be…
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  • B-B-But he has NINE BILLION DOLLARS! He has stores that are worth more than Mitt Romney! Jeez louise, Mr Birds…
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  • No satirist or comedy writer could conceive a greater script. It's hilarious. Except that it's real. That, for me, is…
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  • I would like to be the better person and say I feel sorry for this idiot because of what he…
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  • SW Ohio got stink bugs for the first time last year, and they're here again, not as many. What kills…
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  • How fun! Congratulations to Finn and all for their accomplishments. It sounds like a fun and rewarding day.
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  • It's ironic and sad that what this country needs and deserves is honest, hard-working politicians and they're unable to raise…
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  • Cheney is a hollow man, and it can't be a coincidence that he's had trouble with his heart all these…
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  • My heart goes out to the family. Having our oldest son diagnosed with leukemia at age three, we were introduced…
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  • I don't believe the old saying that an armed society is a polite society. I believe the opposite is true.…
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  • Well, Denny-Boy, the chickens are coming home to roost. I hope you are convicted of all the crimes you've ever…
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  • War is terrible whether you win or lose and you'd think the great thinkers across the globe would figure that…
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  • Well, I don't like pumping gas. I do go to Swifty and have them do it, and I tip the…
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  • We have three sons and always had a limited budget. My inlaws have two sons and less of a budget…
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  • Where I live, there was a group of local businesses who got together to form some sort of Republican co-op.…
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  • It's gotten impossible to tell who's crazy and who's pretending to be crazy, but as long as crazy sells, we're…
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  • I totally blame the Republlicans for making TAXES a dirty word. People are so stupid that they don't even know…
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  • It's sickening that Graham believes that crap, and even more sickening that he has devout followers who continue to vote…
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  • When I read comments made by the likes of characters like Chuck Norris and Ted Nugent, all I can think…
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  • Honestly, I wish there was a permanent gag order on every idiot from the Bush Administration. Every time Cheney the…
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