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    The last thing this country needs is a pissing match with Putin or any other world powers. Jeez, people! These…
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  • For what it's worth, NBC news tonight addressed Trump's comments about Muslims and started reminding viewers that he's embracing a…
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  • I'm an artist and I teach workshops all over the country. I have always reminded my students, who are primarily…
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  • Nope, nopity nope nope nope. I don't care who wins the Democratic nomination, whether it's Hillary or Bernie or that…
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  • Thanks! 🙂
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  • It's gotten downright ridiculous. It wouldn't matter if the President had stood, sat, or swung from a White House chandelier…
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  • And let's not bring gun ownership into the conversation AGAIN! Too soon! Except when this guy has access to guns…
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  • I totally agree! Well said!
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  • Naturally, the right wingers immediately started shrieking about Satan and heavy metal, which of course does not apply to the…
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  • These Right wing leaders are oblivious to what havoc they create. They want to incite panic so their followers will…
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  • My political blog-reading has declined over the past five years, but I still always read Booman first, then Balloon Juice,…
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  • Don't mess with St Ronnie! He was the Best President Ever, and no one dares tarnish his perfect image. The…
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  • Jeb$ whole campaign has had a haphazard, scattershot feel to it. He's come across as unmotivated, sullen, and bitter since…
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  • I can't even wrap my brain around the fact that the woman attacked someone for speaking a foreign language. WTF?…
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  • Well, it's a Republican thing. If a Democrat had lied as blatantly and as often as Ben Carson has, he…
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  • I know you weren't begging, but I put a little bit in your Paypal bucket. I wish it could be…
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  • Take time and regroup. You've had so much to deal with that I'm not surprised that you're exhausted. Please get…
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  • Well, here's the thing. Ben Carson actually tells us he believes these things. He went to medical school, learned to…
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  • Haha! Jeb and Kasich are experiencing the Ignore the Privilleged and Entitled Candidate effect. "Nobody is looking at ME! I'm…
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  • I'm so sorry about your brother. I know how difficult it is, so soon on the heels of your loss,…
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