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    There are a lot of elements that this group of young adults have to worry about. My oldest son, age…
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  • Aw, just a wheelchair, Dennis? No oxygen mask or neck brace? Hastert should spend the rest of his miserable life…
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  • I'm convinced that these scoundrels exist in their own parallel universe, where evil is good, selfishness is charity, and despicable…
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  • Do it if you think you can. My husband started playing in an adult, co-ed soccer league when he was…
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  • The fact that the Republican Party could not put up a single decent candidate speaks volumes for the party and…
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  • I was in Edmonton, Canada last month and many of the Canadians I was with were all asking the same…
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  • Mike, I did exactly the same thing. My husband, son, and I all voted for Bernie and will support him…
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  • Nice work on laying in the shadows! I enjoy using cars as subjects because I love relections and shiny surfaces.…
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  • Haha! Touchdown Jesus, struck by lightning and burned to bits. I laughed for a week. They did replace it with…
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  • I'm on a loony toon email list and this is the most current explanation and justification for voting for Trump:…
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  • My husband is a big fan of Bernie and he's been sending small donations to support his campaign. Both my…
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  • I'm sorry about your mother. Hope she gets better! I thought Nancy was dead already, too.
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  • Thanks! I'm lookng forward to taking her to some cruise-ins this year.
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  • No way! I wanted one of those babies when they first came out. And red! Awesome. I'm not what you'd…
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  • Oh, and here's my baby! http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d27/Rughooker/image.jpg1_57.jpg
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  • As always, you are doing a great job! I recently adopted a sweetheart classic car. She's a '53 Pontiac Chieftain.…
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  • I find it so sad that our society has not progressed past the visceral hatred that exists everywhere. I mean,…
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  • Hey, when you've got the Klan on your side, what more do you need?
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  • Spent the last ten days in Edmonton, Alberta with two rug hooking workshops. I am mortified by how the US…
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  • My middle son is in Charlotte, but he's a Steeler fan. I do have good friends there who are rooting…
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