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    Agreed, in that Clinton will know that her best GOTV weapon in 2016 in African American communities is the guy…
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  • The crappy economy had a fair amount to do with that, and I've always seen that while Clinton would have…
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  • What about indulgences?  Can we bring back indulgences?
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  • My estimation of Hillary was that she was always more liberal than Bill.  Maybe '94 changed that, but that's what…
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  • Then any public figure with any track record is disqualified. Obama had no baggage, but less experience.  Clinton can run…
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  • Obama is very, very unlikely to invade the Levant.  But he might be willing to bomb the living shit out…
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  • I went to school with Marc.  He was widely considered both the stoopudest and most annoying kid in our class.…
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  • I teach AP US and am an exam reader.  The changes in the course effect me more than my students,…
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  • I guess the question is: Are you more upset if a worker gets screwed by her boss or her customer?…
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  • Liberal: a political attitude towards the speed and direction of change, with a general attitude that human beings can create…
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  • Maybe the director's cut of Blade Runner? But the most watchable/fun might be the Star Trek re-boot.
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  • There is a potential new nuclear technology that could be as close to a magic bullet for climate change as…
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  • I love Vox.  Their media stuff sucks, but I like having a one stop shopping spot that will actually explain…
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  • Marches - in and of themselves - don't do much more than feed into media stereotypes.  They will focus on…
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  • My aged father - who was a Southern Democrat and is now an "independent" who votes Republican - will vote…
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  • What about Paul Ryan? Kind of "next in line" and since he's not old, the GOP can delude themselves to…
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  • Yes, but he was Driving While Swarthy, so he'd probably see more jail time.
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  • 28% Democrat and 25% Republican? That can't be right.
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  • It was in Wasilla wasn't it? Well, at least Todd was able to buy his mom a nice new car…
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  • It wasn't SHOPLIFTING!  He was BLACK!  It was a ROBBERY! Get your AP racist code language correct.
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