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    You're welcome, IVG.  You're right about the time.  Sometimes it seems like not so very long ago.  Other times it…
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  • Thanks, leezy.  I often think about the Katrina victims as well.  I was pleased to read recently about a court…
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  • Thanks, WW -- so true about Reagan.  When he died I couldn't stand the tv.  It just about made me…
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  • I know, refinish, and I'm so sorry for your losses.  I read your excellent diary and wanted to comment, but…
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  • I've been a cross-posting fool with this one -- it's up at Unbossed, EuroTrib, and dKos -- I didn't want…
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  • I didn't want to post this in clammyc's excellent thread (it seemed to frivolous), but his title has had this…
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  • I'm pretty sure my first comment was on one of Susan's Deadwood threads.
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  • Well, I just tried scrolling back through my comments and gave up.  Is there an easy way to find the…
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  • And we're so happy you did, too.  It's hard to imagine the cafe without you.
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  • I think it HAS been ages, Manny!  Good to say hello!  I'm still not around that much, but couldn't miss…
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  • Hmm, I know the general time frame -- is it first comment or first diary?
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  • Happy BooDay Maryb and Family Man!  I can't believe it's been a whole year!!  OTOH, I can't believe it's been…
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  • I loved The Secret Garden!  The Anne of Green Gables books, too.  Orphan books are the best.
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  • I am!  I'm not sure about the taste -- it's almost good, but not quite.  Plus, it leaves a weird…
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  • We'll need that in writing.  Oh, wait...
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  • Hey, FM, I've missed you guys, too!  Things have been busy, hectic, and all that sort of thing.  I have…
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  • I just had to de-lurk to say -- really?!? Hi everybody!
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  • Great diary, teach, and oh so familiar.  My family is also from Scotland (my first diary here was about my…
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  • It's hanging at the end.  I thought it was just me again. How are you, dada?  I love that pic!
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  • Ah, Venice -- it's all becoming clear now.  I lived there for awhile, too, and still have a friend there…
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