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    I have absolutely no idea why in the world we are putting more troops in there. What is the strategy?…
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  • She's speaking at WAIT FOR IT- the Ronald Reagan library next month. I'm afraid we aren't rid of her. ALASKA…
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  • In Atlantic City tooth starting hurting. No biggie, popped some Ibuprofen and kept on. Two days later big pain-worse than…
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  • WalMart is the issue in Arkansas. I assume anything that might be good for regular people, WalMart opposes.
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  • I am assuming his outrageousness brings in the ratings.
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  • It's all about ratings. I'm sure the extreme right wingnuts love him. And I guess no one complains so the…
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  • Hey- it's a win win situation: Insurance companies- WIN HUGE 4 MORE years to get richer Lobbyiests- make big bucks…
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  • OK, while everyone is patting each other on the back let's not forget that the public option does not kick…
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  • The big question is can the democrats come up with someone strong to run against him? This seems to be…
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  • excuse me RAHM
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  • Obama doesn't want this. The question is, does Holder have the balls to do it? Bet he caves the minute…
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  • As I was working for Obama, putting out money, standing in line in Richmond VA, standing in the rain for…
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  • yup. But why can't we get rid of them? Why can't Obama lay the smack down on them? Why doesn't…
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  • And he did this: "As of about half an hour ago, I became the co-sponsor of my first piece of…
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  • The major malfunction is We keep electing these bozos with big business ties who can't get re elected without corporate…
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  • RIGHT. FRIGGIN' ON. Nailed it. Only problem now id how do we fix it and give the dems and Obama…
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  • From Huff Post: "TIME's Michael Scherer, who will be accompanying President Obama on his trip to Saudi Arabia Tuesday, reports…
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  • yup. They're "pro life" that is until the child is born of course. Then the kid is on their own.…
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  • So where's all the outrage from the wingnuts on this latest act of domestic terrorism? I mean they are so…
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  • So let me get this straight. Pro lifers believe abortion is murder. SO, they go out and MURDER someone who…
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