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    Perfect comment: "It persists because it doesn't work."  The who neocon kaboodle in a nutshell. Jeff
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  • That's about the size of it, Janet.  My other favorite Olbermann quote these days: "You know, they're lying to you…
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  • I can't wait to see the PR operation Petraeus comes up with for Son of Surge.
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  • Yes, checkmated.  Or at least boxed in.
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  • Condi was supposed to teach him geography, but she never did teach him how to read a map.
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  • You know, I keep saying this, and it doesn't seem to register, but how a nation that bombs weddings with…
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  • Oh, yeah.  Coalition forces are getting their heinies waxed in straight up fights. J.
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  • I pretty much concur with all of this, IR.
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  • Follow the energy. Jeff
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  • I'll assert to anyone who cares to hear it that Putin desperately needs a new Cold War just as the…
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  • Thanks for the links.
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  • I don't see much way around that.  The more I think about this and watch the latest developments, the more…
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  • The more I think about this, the more I think King David will stick with his neocon boyfriends and be…
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  • I just keep thinking what it would have looked like if after all the hell World War II was, they…
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  • I guess in the forties the people in charge had a basic sense of decency and perspective lacking in today's…
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  • Yes, that is good.
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  • Incredible to imagine that now, eh?
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  • ...less excusable, too.  We don't have a lebensraum excuse, nor were we loused up on the bad end of an…
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  • You know, I'm thinking Cheney will still be dangerous when he's out of office.  I mean, his only actual job…
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  • Thanks for the link to the ray guns.  Ray guns.  JM and J.
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