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    ...there's no price for going along with it, none whatsoever.   I remember a few months back watching as Chris…
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  • I've had trouble with these policies for some time.  We need to bribe foreigners to fight for us with the…
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  • YOu sure to, Steven.  And you can bet your bottom dollar someone at the Pentagon has the point paper all…
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  • I'm thinking most of the names I'd add to it were more known for composing than playing.  Gershwin, for example,…
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  • Arthur, FWIW, Gareth Porter found that piece interesting too. Jeff
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  • Yeah.  Scary thought.
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  • And to think that one of our "allies" has invaded the country we're occupying and, from the play it's getting…
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  • Fallon has supposedly said we'll bomb Iran over his dead body, but he's kind of hard to read.  Definitely not…
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  • OH, yeah, they expend more effort spinning wars than winning them.
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  • McCain? Conscience?
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  • Worst case, and all too possible.   Jeff
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  • Like I said, here I thought only Democratic presidential candidates flip-flopped.
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  • Yeah, Oui, and if the Martians invade Kuwait, he'll ask for a permanent extension of his tax cuts. 😉 Jeff
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  • I certainly agree with you to the extent that CINC should not be a U.S. president's most important job, especially…
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  • Obama isn't on the top of my list.  He just hasn't been eliminated yet. Jeff
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  • ...after all the nonsense we've been through and the GOPers are still pandering to the Holy Joes. Jeff
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  • Everybody has a right to transit the Strait by rule of international maritime law.
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  • Yeah, glorious.  The mighty US Navy limping out of the Gulf, whipped by a third world coast guard. 😉 Jeff
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  • Like I say in my piece on the incident, this is an example of a tempest in a choke point.
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  • ...http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/22/international/middleeast/22cnd-iraq.html
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