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    Thanks, Diane.
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  • I met the guy about two years ago.  Lovely man. Jeff
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  • Even worse.  I'd like to see both of those characters just stay away. Jeff
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  • Oh, my. Cheney speaking at the Wall.  I'm sick.   Happy Veterans' Day, Brenda. Jeff
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  • Thanks, RH. Jeff
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  • Oh, my.
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  • Another foreign policy strategy gone bust.
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  • Stayed away from the political arena?  Good Lord!
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  • Regime change as our standard policy toward everyone we don't like is so endemic of the Bush foreign policy's basic…
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  • I agree with you 100 percent, Ceebs.  But I don't think the administration has enough imagination or common sense to…
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  • Thanks for the info Mel.  FWIW, my gut instinct and a few other things tell me use of nukes is…
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  • This time we have a better idea what we're looking for.  I'm just amazed at how un-watchdoggy the MSM is…
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  • Many thanks for the info and the link! Jeff
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  • Blackfive?  Weekly Standard?  Captain's Quarters?  What a wall of shame those guys make up.  And to think anyone still reads…
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  • Thanks for the links and comments, everyone.  I'll be back with part VI this weekend.  
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  • The word from Bush's "main man."  Hey, it's gotta be true.
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  • That leads to the big question, I suppose: who do the administration consider to be allies in such an endeavor?…
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  • That's a great question, BooMan.  My sense--and it's only a sense, though based on a few key indicators--is that the…
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  • Thanks for this, Bob.  I'll probably write more on this subject later, but I for one find it astounding that…
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